
Privacy Policy


This privacy policy covers our use of your personal data which is collected in connection or through this website. For the puposes of this policy "this site" refers to Duropart.de website.

Responsible for the elicitation and the use of personal data according to the data privacy act of Germany is Duropart GmbH, Am Burgberg 9 b, D-99755 Ellrich.

Use of Cookies
We use cookies to improve strukture and the content of our websites in order to provide the best possible navigation to our icustomers. In our websites the cookies are not obligatory but improve the navigation. It´s on you to aktive or deaktivate cookies in your browser. Please refer to your browser helping sites to get more information on this.

Collection and use
We collect only statistic data by visiting our websites, like browserident, visited sites and data download. We are not interested in profiling you. When you transmit your personal data as a customer you are no longer a anonymous user. In this case we are allowed to collect and use your personal data (including name, address, telephone number and email) in the following manner

Exept as set out in this policy we will not diclose any of your data without your permission unless we are legally entiteld or required to do so, or if we believe that such action is necessary to protect or defend our and the customers rights, property or personal safety.

Use of your data by affiliates
This site and our services offered may be transferesd to one of our affiliated companies in case of restructuring or processing your requieries. Such company shall use your personal information in accordance with this policy at all times.

Providing you with additional information and sharing information
Only after your strikt permission done in the collecting section of your personal data we are allowed to use the supplied information for:

You can remove your email out of our mailing list by informing us on info@duropart.de

Validity and erasing your data
We attempt to record your data correctly. Please report any errors. We will correct them in our database immediately. We erase or give you info on your dataset after your request to do that by email on info@duropart.de, by fax +49 36332 74649-199 or by letter Duropart GmbH, Am Burgberg 9 b, D-99755 Ellrich. Our duty refering leagal policies remain reserved.

Special notice if you are under 13 years old
Please do not send us your personal information. Please refer to your parent or guardian to do so on your behalf.

Changing the privacy policy
Duropart is allowed to make changees to this privacy policy at any time. Please check our policy on a regular basis.

Final clauses
If several parts are inoperative the other parts oft the entire policy will stay operative. Place of fulfillment is the place we named if there is no other agreement. Place of jurisdiction for business people / companies is Ellrich or the respective responsible court.

updated: 07/2018